JSS Capsule
A blog from the Department of Medicine, JSS Medical College, Mysore
Monday, September 29, 2014
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Dear Reader
The last issue of the year, Capsule presents to you two interesting cases and also the proud moments of the department of Medicine, JSSMC & H.
It is heartening to learn that, interest and flair for working up and publishing the case report; which is a tremendous task of reviewing the literature and also gather interest of the publisher is on the rise! I complement the departmental colleagues on this welcome trend.
There is an interesting excerpt from Medscape about the increasing risky behaviour - "Distracted Doctoring" by Robert Glatter; which is worth contemplating by all doctors!
Wishing you a happy reading
And A Very Happy New Year 2012
Dr. K. A.Sudhrashana Murthy
01- Inaguartion of JSS PG MEDICON 2011 by Dr.Mrutyunjaya P Kulenur, Registrar,JSS University, Mysore on September 9th 2011
02- Demostration of a Clinical sign to the PG delegate by Dr.H.BasavanaGowdappa, Princiapal, Professor Medicne,JSSMC, Mysore.
03- Dr.H.Basavana Gowdappa, Principal, Professor Medicine,JSSMC, Mysore presenting certificate to a PG Delegate
Dr.M.Suresh Babu, Associate Prof of Medicine
Appointed as reviewer for BMJ - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 2011
Dr.M.Suresh Babu, Associate Prof of Medicine is chairing a scientific session during CME APICON 2012 on 12th January 2012 at Kolkata.