It's with great pleasure and wonderful feeling that I present this blog,
JSS Capsule. Lots of things happen in day to day practice. Days run very fast. There is hardly any time available even to exchange pleasantries with colleagues. Things however important and marvelous go unnoticed. We miss the experience and expertise of our own colleagues due to hectic work schedule and lack of suitable platform. A blog like this provides an opportunity to every one to share their experience, showcase their achievements and propagate knowledge. It should also be an inspiration to all the youngsters to take a first step towards publication.
It also happens to be a proud moment for all of us at JSS Medical College as 2009 happens to be the Silver Jubilee year of our prestigious institution. We are also blessed by the great visionary His Holiness Late Sri Rajendra Mahaswamiji whose 94th Jayanthi we are celebrating.
I thank all my colleagies for their unstinted support. Special thanks to Dr. Narahari and Dr. Suresh Babu for their dedication and tireless effort in the preparation of this first issue.
Special thanks to Mr.Srinath, Mr.Guru Prasad of Indospectrum Pharam for their generous gesture in bringing out this issue.
Warms regards and Best of Wishes
Dr. Sudharshana Murthy K. A.Professor and Head of Department of Medicine
JSS Medical College & Hospital