Thursday, June 24, 2010


The next issue of Capsule is out with a greater zeal and earnestness to share the clinical experiences of our faculty members. The medical problems of the developing nations are of different nature than that of the developed ones: despite the efforts by leaders of the political and medical fields to bridge the differences. These differences obviously get reflected in the focus of medical research and the resources earmarked for the areas of interests. It may not be an exaggeration that, there is apathy in medical research towards organo phosphorus compound toxicity, which is a major global health problem with more than 200,000 deaths every year. These whopping numbers succumbing to the avoidable disaster requires immediate attention by the medical researchers in developing more effective antidote and arriving at a consensus on a standard of therapy to tranquil the controversy ridden murky waters of oxime therapy.

Capsule features an unusual case of Intravenous Intoxication of Organophosphate Compound and also an interesting case of insulinoma. Addition to the regular features a medical cross word comes to lighten the busy schedule of the physicians. The online version has roused interests of a good lot, but we look forward for your valuable feedbacks to make your CAPSULE much palatable.

With best regards

Dr. Sudharshana Murthy K.A.

Professor & Head, Dept of Medicine

JSSMC & Hospital, Mysore

Dr. Narahari .M.G

Assistant Professor

JSSMC & Hospital, Mysore

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