Saturday, April 16, 2011


Dear Reader

The fifth issue of Capsule seeing light denotes its success in emerging as a quarterly and its acceptance by the medical friends all over the state. We proudly present this anniversary issue, which captures snap moments of another novel venture by the department of Medicine- JSS PG MEDICON 2010 which was a grand success amongst all the faculty and delegates.
Looking back at the issues of 2009-10, it is really gratifying to note that, many interesting case reports were presented with substantial review of related literature with latest references; which would be handy for any academically inclined internist. Interesting images and ECGs served as tidbits. Capsule also portrayed the talents of faculty from our department and their academic activities.
We immensely thank the readers and all those who are responsible for the success of Capsule and assure to serve tastier Capsule in future!

Special thanks to Mr.Srinath, Mr.Guru Prasad of Indospectrum Pharma for taking up the cause of publishing Capsule so lovingly.

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